Procrastination Types: 6 Common Types of Procrastination and How to Beat Them

 Are you someone who spends an excessive amount of time and energy doing one task?

Are you indecisive and you find it hard to commit to a task?

Do take too many tasks that you fail to distinguish between priorities and requests?

Well, if the answer your answer to any of these questions is a yes, you are not alone. We all procrastinate in different ways. To stop procrastinating, it's crucial to understand what type of procrastinators we are.

In this post, I'll cover,

  1. Different types of procrastination and a specific example of each.
  2. How to overcome different types of procrastination.

We have all fallen into this trap at some point in our lives. Spending excessive amounts of time and energy on tasks. This is because we want to do it the 'right way'. 

We see that since everything else has been done, we have to do something extraordinary. We have to do something exceptional. We view it selves us average if we do something normal.

Solutions to Being a Perfectionist 

  1. Write a shorter to-do list.
  2. Refrain from an all-or-nothing mentality.
  3. Set realistic goals for yourself.
  4. Set a time limit for your tasks.

Do you sometimes lack confidence in your abilities? 

Does this lack of confidence make you indecisive?

You can't commit to any task. As a result, you resort to something that you know. You avoid something you don't know. You depend on assurance from other people.
Sounds familiar, right?

No worries here's how you can stop being a worrier.

  1. Start by committing to one specific task or thing.
  2. Do the tasks you've been uncomfortable doing.
  3. Change your statement from I can't do x to I can't do x but I can do y.


Do you sometimes lie on your bed and think of how much money you could be making as a published author?

But then again, at the thought of the difficulties you have to go through, you recoil.

What will I write about?
Will people even love my work?
Who will buy my book?
How will I sell my book?
Where will I get the money to pay the editor and publishing company?
What if people think my ideas are silly?

 Too many questions racing through your mind. Then you decide to procrastinate. The answer to your how questions become like to. You think that your ideas are special and that they deserve a special audience. A special book self.

I hate to be a sadist. If you want to achieve a goal, put in the work. Stop dreaming. Dreams are only good while they last. 

Here's how you can remedy this

  1. Draw a line that separates your goals from your dreams.
  2. Write down the timeline of your project.
  3. Center your thinking around the 5W's and an H. Where, when, what, why, who, and How.


I feel you. Everyone is blogging and vlogging about their routines which can make you 100X productive. And then you think that your routine is lame and fucked up.

News flash!
Your routine is neither lame nor fucked. What other people are telling you is finally getting to you. It's lowering your self-esteem. 

Being productive doesn't equate to doing thousand-and-one chores. It means focusing on your priorities. 

As a result, you feel guilty when you relax. You don't ask for help. You can't distinguish between priorities and specific tasks.

Here's how you can remedy this; 

  1. Spare some time for leisure activities.
  2. Ask for help.
  3. Practice the art of saying 'no'
  4. Differentiate between requests and demands.
  5. Put yourself first. Practice some self-discipline.


Do you find your tasks boring and basic that you decide to procrastinate on them?

 Yeah, I know the feeling. Wake up, do 3 sit-ups, run two miles, and begin your freelance work. 

Why not procrastinate until Friday? After all, these tasks are so simple that you can do them with your eyes closed.

It's easy to procrastinate during these times because we feel like our routine needs a makeover.

Here is how you can remedy this:

  1. Find an alternative to using stress as a motivator.
  2. Practice a ritual you enjoy before starting a task. For example, listening to music.
  3. Change your mindset from general and extremist to a more specific one.


At one point in our lives, we have done things we were not supposed to do. But we did those things because that's what we thought we were supposed to do.
As a result, we procrastinated instead of exhibiting negativity.

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